Let’s see – where to begin. We left our Florida home in May to summer in our NY home. First thing we did was order 3 windows from Home Depot (with an 8-week delivery). We have been systematically replacing the windows in our home; these are the last three to be replaced.
Then we planted a vegetable garden, did some yard work, planted flower pots, opened the pool in time for the Memorial Day weekend, and had our first pool party of the year with kids and grandkids!
The next party was for Dale’s 70th birthday in late June – kids and grandkids and a little rain. The windows got delivered – one for each guest room – and we were in replacement mode! We decided to fly south and check our Florida home and see Nancy’s mom so we were away for about 2 weeks.
July was a Family Reunion in Cambridge, NY – great time with Mallory siblings and nieces and nephews!
Back in Rochester we (Dale and Nancy) installed the windows. Of course, this means emptying three bedrooms and having plaster dust throughout the house! Then we continued painting the outside of the house (last year we did about ¼ of the house). The prep work for (grinding, sanding, scraping, and power washing) was the worst part. Two large projects! Somewhere in this time frame we had our annual family summer pool party day of food, fun, and corn toss!
After weeks of painting we finally finished and rewarded the neighbors (who have been very supportive) by having a deck party!
Then a quick drive to Florida in August to check on hurricane preparations and some yard work – 2 weeks of humidity and rain and back to NY where the Florida type weather continued. Good year for a pool in each location!
Arrived just in time to help grand-daughter Ivy move into her first apartment! Then another pool party for the family and time to really plan our trip West to see other daughters and family. Closed the pool on Labor Day weekend – so a great summer!
We have been talking about going west for a few weeks. Now we are ready to put our plan into action.
Enjoy your time with your grand baby. They grow up so fast.
Looking forward to the day you come home. 🙂